4 APRIL 1903, page 1

The Bulgarian Cabinet, Headed By M. Daneff, Resigned A Few

days ago, and it was supposed that the Prince would summon a new one less amenable to the influence of Russia. While negotiations, however, were going on with the leaders of the......

The Situation In Macedonia, Which Was Bad Enough, For The

" reforms " have failed to conciliate anybody, has been com- plicated by a rising of the Albanian Mussulmans They are disgusted with the reforms, which threaten their right to......

In Other Words, The Portuguese Cannot Bear The Notion Of

selling Delagoa Bay or Beira. The object of our diplomacy, then, should be to arrange terms for the development of those ports which, while benefiting the Portuguese, will not......

The King Arrived At Lisbon On Thursday, And Was Received

by King Carlos and his people with a cordiality which was in no way merely ceremonial, but of the heartiest kind. On the quay where King Edward landed are to be seen the fallen......

News Of The Week.

W E publish in our leading columns an article on the revived rumours in connection with the Baghdad Railway. Shortly, these rumours are to the effect that the German Government......

According To The Correspondent Of The Times, The Lisbon...

realise in the King's visit the revival of the ancient ties. "it is felt," he tells us, 'sin Portugal that all the traditions which made in the past for Anglo-Pcntuguese amity......

11 „* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...
