4 APRIL 1903, page 24

• Gulliver Joe. By Jonathan Quick, Dean Of St. Rattricic's.

(Isbister and Co. Is. net.)—This is a skit on Mr. Chamberlain, whether by a friend or a foe it is not easy to say. Certainly if it is from a friend it is one of the "precious......

We Must Be Content With A Bare Mention, For The

benefit of those interested in the subject, of Early Oxford Bindings, by Strickland Gilson (Oxford University Press, for the Biblio- graphical Society).......

First History Of England. By Mrs. Cyril Ransorne....

6(L)—Mrs. Ransome gives us here a little book which is to be the first put into a child's hand when he or she is to have a first look into history. Probably this, too, will have......

The Tramp's Handbook. By Harry Roberts. (john Lane. 3s. And

4s. net.)—This is the first volume of a projected series of "Country Handbooks." " Tramp " is a word of more than one meaning. "We call them tramps," said an American who was......

A History Of The American Church. By The Right Rev.

Leighton Coleman. (Rivingtons. ls....net.)—This is an interesting and instructive little volume. One cannot help wishing as one reads that we had a little of the liberty which......

New Editions. —social England. Edited By H. D. Trail,...

J. S. Mann, M.A. Illustrated Edition, Vol. IV. (Cassell and Co. 14s. net.)—The value of illustrations, when they accord with the meaning of the word, cannot be better seen than......