Handbuch Der Archaologie Der Kunst. Von Professor B. Stark.
CURRENT LITERATURE. Handbucls der Archdologie der Kwinst. Von Professor B. Stark. (En- l gelmann, Leipzig.)-It cannot be said that a work of this kind is not wanted. The only......
Pomeroy Abbey. By Mrs. Henry Wood.
I Pomeroy Abbey. By Mrs. Henry Wood. 3 vols. (Bentloy.)-Mre. Wood has certainly an art of novel-writing which no rival possesses in the same degree and kind. She tells her story......
The Plant-lore And Garden-craft Of Shakespeare. By The...
I The Plant-Lore and Garden-Craft of Shake'peare. By the Rev. H. NIf. Ellacombe, M.A. (Pollard, Exeter.)-However much it may be a matter of surprise that so interesting a......
Mr. Stedman's Oxford.
MR. STEDMIAN'S OXFORD.* We do not pretend, though we had thought ourselves fairly familiar, at least by reputation, with most of the more eminent members of the University of......