Social Problems: An Enquiry Into The Law Of Influences....
Social Problems : an E'nquiry into tme Law of Influences. By J. Turnbull Thomson. (C. Kegan Paul and Co.)-If one does not look | for familiarity with the highest culture of the......
We Welcome The First Volume Of A Useful Periodical,...
I We welcome the first volume of a useful periodical, Social Notes, I edited by S. C. Hall. (16 Southampton Streot, Strand.)-Social Notes concerns ; Social Reforms, Social......
Pomeroy Abbey. By Mrs. Henry Wood.
I Pomeroy Abbey. By Mrs. Henry Wood. 3 vols. (Bentloy.)-Mre. Wood has certainly an art of novel-writing which no rival possesses in the same degree and kind. She tells her story......
[the Homiletic Quarterly, Vol. Ii. (dickenson), Is A...
The Homiletic iQuarterly, Vol. II. (Dickenson), is a collection of materials for preaching. differing, of course, very widely in value, but containing much that is useful and......
Adventurous Lives. By Bernard Henry Becker.
I Adventurous Lives. By Bernard Henry Becker. 2 vols. (Bentlev.) -These are two very entertaining volumes, which we may confidently recommend to readers who want to be convinced......
New Editions And Reprints.-the History Of The Conquest Of...
I NEV EDITIONS AND REPRINTS.-The History of the Conqest of Peri, b by William H. Prescott. Edited by John Foster Kent. (Bickers.) This is a volume of the series entitled "......