Russia And Port Arthur.
[To TEl EDITOR OF TEl " SPECTATOR:] may fairly be claimed, I think, for persons living abroad, even in British dependencies, that political events soften appear to them in truer......
England And The Transvaal.
[To TER EDITOR OP THR " SPECTAT0R:] Sin,—In your article in the Spectator of May 2Sth referring to the despatch from Pretoria on the suzerainty question, you say : "The British......
The Florida Velvet Bean.
[TO THE EDITOR OP TUE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin„—The "corn" whose growth your American correspon- dent claims as a voucher for that of velvet Florida beans is, of course, maize, which......
Letters To Tiie Editor.
THE VATICAN IN THE ITALIAN TROUBLES. [To TISK EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—A grave question concerning the late troubles in Italy —i.e., the part the Catholic Church has......