A Plea For The Shirk.
[To THE EDITOR OF IRE "SPECTATOR:] SIR,—No doubt can attach to Captain Marescanx's bona fides, but I beg leave to say that among South Sea whale- men, whose experience of sharks......
HEART 0' BEAUTY. 0, WHERE are thy white hands, Heart o' Beauty ? Heart o' Beauty ! They are as white foam on the swept sands, Heart o' Beauty ! They are as white swans i' the......
AN OPTIMIST VIEW OF FRANCE.* "THE Republic is stronger than ever," said President Faure the other day at St. Etienne, and such is the view taken in this very elaborate and......
The Florida Velvet Bean.
[TO THE EDITOR OP TUE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin„—The "corn" whose growth your American correspon- dent claims as a voucher for that of velvet Florida beans is, of course, maize, which......