Lto Tee Editor Op The "spectator. "] Sib,—having Been A...
reader of the Spectator for a number of years, I have noticed that you are always willing to acknowledge it when it is pointed out to you that you have inadvertently been guilty......
The Veteran Reserve.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. " ] SIB,—Hearty congratulations to the Spectator on the issue of the Regulations constituting a Veteran Reserve ! Do not, however, be alarmed......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator. " ] Sir, —thanks Are...
the Spectator for the clear statement made in its article of May 28th of the issue with regard to the publication of betting odds in newspapers, and to the steps which it is......
[to The Editor Or Tee "spiscirros."1 Sin,—in Common With...
of your readers, I have been greatly interested in your articles, and the correspondence to which they have given rise, on the subject of the Star's betting tips. You have......