Mr. Conway On " Priestly Fictions."
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT010] SIR,—I do not know whether any words of St. Paul are likely to have weight with Mr. Moncure Conway. St. Paul is considered, I believe, by......
Why Does The English Peasant Never Save And The Irish
PEASANT HOARD ? [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—There are one or two points in the different conditions of the English and Irish peasant which are perhaps not without......
University Education In Ireland.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] 'SLR, —Will you permit me to address to you a few words con- cerning the opinion you have expressed on the Irish University question? After......
THE ROYAL ACADEMY. IT is seldom possible to say in a word whether the Exhibition of the Royal Academy is good or bad. Of course the description must in either case be given by......
Sin,—while Not Anxious To Add To What Your Courtesy Has
per- mitted me to say in your columns any discussion of the question whether I have ' given up the case' or not, I wish simply to add, in conclusion, that I still rest in the......