4 MAY 1872, page 3

According To A Time Telegram Of 3rd May, The New

Viceroy, Lord Northbrook, has pronounced distinctly against Mr. Cowan, the officer who ordered the Kooka executions, especially as regards the blowing away of six men, who were......

It Is Believed In The City That M. Thiers Has

obtained assurances , that if the indemnity were paid France would be evacuated, and that a very heavy French loan is at hand. The time is unfavour- able for such an operation,......

The Licensing Bill Passed Its Second Reading In The House

of Lords on Thursday, after a debate of very little importance, though one speech, the Bishop of Peterborough's (Dr. Magee's), was remarkable and courageous. He pleaded for the......

We Ventured To Say A Word Three Weeks Ago For

the Camden Collegiate Schools for Girls, one of the very few charitable trust schemes for the education of girls in England, and the only one, we believe, of any account in......

Mr. Trevelyan On Friday Week Brought Up The Subject Of

County Franchise, in a long and striking speech on the condition of the agricultural labourers, which he maintained would be ame- liorated by a share of political power. He was......

Lord Hartington Seems Greatly Afraid Of An Irish Spectre. It

appears that an Act was passed by the Irish Parliament to pre- vent the Irish people from holding " Conventions "—illegal Par- liaments—and Mr. P. J. Smyth wants to repeal it.......

Consols Were On Friday 93 To 93k.


Lord Hatherley Has Lost His Bill For The Creation Of

a Supreme Court. Lord Cairns on Tuesday opposed the resolution which it was necessary to carry before the Bill could pass—the 13111 reducing the privileges of the Lords—in a......

The Lower House Of Convocation Has Debated The Athanasian...

all the week, with the deplorable results on which we have elsewhere commented. Here, however, we must do justice to the ,speech of the Dean of Westminster, which, though......