Sir: There Have Indeed Been Design Changes. What On Earth
is the purpose of all those vertical lines between columns? Is it scaffolding, are your contributors being caged, or is there some new Euro- regulation we should know about? The......
Letters Shift To Keynes
Sir: Sam Brittan says the recent book by Peter Jay ('Jay's Guide', 13 April) will 'come as manna from heaven' to econo- mics undergraduates. But he is very ambi- guous as to......
Sir: When I Opened My Spectator (27 April) This Morning
I said: 'My God, the Australians have moved in at last, it's like the bloody New Statesman.' I then saw the first paragraph of Colin Welch's article. C. C. Spicer Churchtown,......
Wrong Spectator
Sir: Your new layout is ugly, loud and a waste of paper. I do not think it will help to sell your magazine unless your new target audience is philistine cretins. Did you pick......
Tepid Dalton
Sir: I was proud to find my life of Hugh Dalton in a list of four which, according to Mr Worsthorne, have received the critics' approval (Diary, 20 April). But I was puzzled by......
Sir: Before The New Designer Is Let Loose On The
second half of your magazine, may I suggest that you call a temporary halt to his endeavours while you poll your readers (and contributors), asking them whether they approve the......
The Spectator
SUBSCRIBE TODAY! I would like to take out a subscription to The Spectator. I enclose my cheque for £ (Equivalent $ US eit Eurocheques accepted) RATES: 12 Months 6 Months UKJEire......