Lto The Editor Oe Till "sprotatoe."]
SIR,—Your correspondent, Miss A. Werner (Spectator, October 28th), says it is impossible to secure Chinese labour for the mines without depriving the immigrants of the society......
[to The Editor Of Till "spectator-9
Sin,—There have recently been some references in your columns to speed in fighting-ships and to the value of superiority in that quality for tactical purposes. The question is......
Pro The Editor Of The " Spectator:1
Sin,—The Bill of 1871 for the abolition of Army purchase provided for compensating officers for the over-Regulation as well as the Regulation prices of their commissions. On the......
[to Tee Editor Of Tre "spectator."]
BURIAL IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY. SI31,—Your correspondent " Onlooker " in your issue of October 28th is under a very erroneous impression if he thinks that Sir Henry Irving owes to......
Si,—in Your Interesting Article On "uncommon Pets " In The
issue of September 30th I find mention of the Canadian bear, coupled with a statement that one of these animals was sent as a gift to a stationmaster in England. I happen to......
• Lto The Editor Op 7111 " Specfltor.1
Sru,—Your correspondent "X." (Spectator, October 21st) might be glad to know that I have lately reissued George Macdonald's "Diary of an Old Soul" in a cheaper form, including......