4 OCTOBER 1957, page 7

This Incident Was Widely Talked Of In Sofia. So Much

so that a greatly exaggerated version of the story was finally printed in the Communist Narodna Kulittra, with imaginary names for the authors who had given greatest offence.......

R Ae Creation By The Hutchinson Publishing Illuup Of An...

called New Authors Limited seems to be a most interesting experiment which 81 1 . ould benefit publisher, young writers and, inc identally, British cultural life. Broadly speak-......

A Spectator's Notebook

THE GOVERNMENT can thank itself for the imbroglio now developing over the Bank rate 'leak.' It was un- wise to refuse an inquiry, particu- larly in such an offhand manner. The......

A Ll The Same, If Mr. Wilson Wants To Keep The

affair alive, without the support of fresh informa- t ti on, there is one point, so far overlooked, which Will have to explain. The 'leak' is said to have taken place on the......

Coming Back The Other Sunday Evening On The Maidstone Road

from the Kent coast, I was pleased to note that there was no traffic jam through Swanley. I gather that this is due to the beneficent activities of the Ministry of Trans- port's......

I Hear Of An Extraordinarily Revealing Incident That...

place in Bulgaria. At a moun- tain villa of the Writers' Union to the south of Sofia, not far from Mount Stalin (formerly called Musala—the kiss of God), a number of authors......

More Autumn Books

THE following reviews will appear in future issues of the Spectator: A Bit Off the Map. By Angus Wilson. (Seeker and Warburg, 15s.)—Kingsley Ands. The Responsibility of Peoples.......

Christopher Chataway Asked Mr. Crossman In A Television...

other night if Labour's plan to pay differential pensions, based upon previous earnings, was not a departure from the pure Socialist doctrine of 'from each according to his......

The 'real-life' Story Frequently Covers A Deal Of...

Strix has shown from time to time, but I never realised to what a range of reading the word fiction could itself be applied, until I saw the books listed under 'Recent Fiction'......

Brighton Commentary

Snowball Rolling O NE thing that emerged from the Labour Party Conference (apart from a substantial number of delegates when Mr. James Griffiths got up to speak) was that if you......