We Are Glad To Notice The First Number Of A
serial edition of heath'." Gilpin's Forest Scenery. (Sampson Low and Co.)—The book itself was noticed in those columns some months ago, and we welcome this convenient edition of......
Miracle Plays And Sacred Dramas. By Dr. Karl Hese....
from the German by A. W. Jackson, and edited by the Rev. W. W. Jackson. (Triibner.)—This is a very complete survey of the sub- ject. No book dealing fully with the subject could......
Current Literature.
Tales front "Blackwood." New Series. 12 vols. (Blackwood and Sons.)—For short tales, we do not know a livelier series than this, republished from Blackwood's Magazine. Now and......
—ephphatha ; Or, The Amelioration Of The World. By F.
W. Farrar, D.D., Canon of Westminster. (Macmillan.)—Canon Farrar's position as a preacher in one way puts his sermons beyond the province of criticism. Ills success is so......
The History Of Napoleon The First. By P. Lanfrey. Vol.
W. (Macmillan.)—This fourth volume includes the history of about two years (December, 1809—December, 1811). The most important events which it records are the election of......
Lamartine And His Friends. By Henri De Lacretelle....
the French by Maria E. Odell. (G. P. Putnam's Sons, N.Y.)- M. de Lacretelle tells the story of Lamartine's life, as it appeared to a devout worshipper of his genius who viewed......
Sermons And Lecture8.—some Helps Fin School Life. By The...
J. Percival. (Rivington.)—Here we have twenty-seven sermons, preached (with one exception) in the chapel of Clifton College, at intervals during the seventeen years for which......