4 SEPTEMBER 1880, page 3

Mr. Adam Is To Go As Governor To Madras In

October, as was contemplated some months ago, in place of the Duke of Buckingham. The Liberals can ill spare him, and we fear Madras is hardly the Presidency which would be most......

We Think It Is Almost Certain That The Calculations Of

Messrs. Read and Pell, the Assistant - Commissioners to the Agricultural Commission, concerning the cost at which wheat from the Red River, Canada, and the United States can be......

Mr. Bright Explained At Some Length On'thursday The...

Dissenters dislike the so-called religious census, as it is understood in this country. The reason is, first, that they feel it insulting to be asked their religion at all ; and......

It Seems Likely That The Irish Land League, In Refusing

to place any evidence before the Irish Land Commission appointed to inquire into the working of the Land Act of 1870, has played a bad card. In Ulster, at all events, that bad......

The Henn Of Commons Have Disagreed With Lord Brabourne's...

to the Employers' Liability Bill, the intention of which was to except employers from liability for sub-agents,- i.e., agents to whom authority is given by an agent, and not by......

Consols Were On Friday 971 To 971.


Mr. Beresford , Hope, Whose Chief Alarm Concerning The...

seems to be the prospect that some women—among the " Salvation Army," or among the Shakers—may get a chance of conducting a burial service in one of the national churchyards,......

Mr. Fawcett's New Plan For Facilitating The:small Savings...

poor is an admirable one. A saving child may now get an official strip of paper intended to hold twelve :stamps, add a stamp at a time to it as he can save a penny, and when it......

On Saturday, The Burials Bill Passed Through Committee,...

Tuesday it was read a third time, and passed the House of Commons, with no amendments, unfortunately, likely to offend even the Bishops in the House of Lords. It is true that......

Sir Henry James, In Moving For A Commission To Inquire

into the Corrupt Practices at Gloucester, Macclesfield, Chester, Knaresborough, Boston, Oxford, and Sandwich, expressed a rather sanguine opinion that corrupt practices at......