A Puzzle.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] S]ra,—I should not ordinarily think of offering the Spectator a puzzle, but here is one so exceptional that I make the venture:—I have with......
"don Quixote" And The Censor. [to The Editor Of The
"SPECTATOR."] BIB,—In view of the present discussion of the censorship of plays, some of your readers may be interested to recall the very apt opinion given in "Don Quixote." I......
History By Flash Of Lightning. [to The Editor Of Tee
" SPECTATOR."' SIR, — The great and striking fact brought home by your living article on this subject in last w eek's Spectator is that they were gentlemen in those days, and......
Do Animals Reason?
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."J SIR, — May I add one to the instances of reason in animals now appearing in the Spectator ? On my island ranche I had a young Jersey bull and......
A COLONIAL GIRL. AUSTRALIA'S great, and rich, and fair, Jewels of price are common there, But Phoebe's one a king might wear. She is as witty as she's wise, And has the brownest......
Notice.—when Articles Or "correspondence" Are Signed With...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views Therein expressed or with the mode of......
The Use Of The "de."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — Long ago a great authority took me to task for having written, while omitting to insert either the "M." (Monsieur) or the Christian......