4 SEPTEMBER 1909, page 2

We Regret That We Were Compelled Last Week To Omit

all mention of Sir Joseph Thomson's presidential address at the opening meeting of the British Association at Winnipeg. It was an admirable address, being both clear and......

A Knowledge Of The Mass And Size Of The Two

units of electricity would supply the material for what might be called a molecular . theory of electricity, and would be a starting-point for a theory of the structure of......

On Monday The Cunard Liner Mauretania ' Completed A...

performance, as though to inaugurate the new route between Fishguard and New York. The homeward voyage to Queenstown was made in four days fourteen hours twenty-seven minutes,......

A Correspondent Describes In The Times Of Thursday The...

state of affairs in the South-Western portion of the Congo State, and in Portuguese and British territory abutting on the Congo border. All this area is exposed to the opera-......

We Feel Sure We Cannot Be Wrong In Assuming That

this means that the Government have .grasped the importance of not concentrating all their favours on the picnicker and forgetting the soldier, and that care will be taken to......

We Congratulate The Chancellor Of The Exchequer Upon The...

for national interests shown in the way in which on Wednesday he met Lord Robert Cecil's amend- ment to the clause exempting front taxation parks and open spaces to which the......

In The House Of Lords On Tuesday Lord Lansdowne Called

attention to the state of business, and asked Lord Crewe for information as to the further work of the Session. In days when first-rate Bills were passed through the House of......

In The House Of Commons On Monday The Housing And

Town Planning Bill was discussed in Committee. Under a special Closure Resolution the Committee work was to last only two days. There is something more to be said, however, for......