Shorter Notices
Finland. By J. Hampden Jackson. (Allen and Unwin. 8s. 6d.) FINLAND'S surrender in no way diminishes the interest felt here in that gallant country. There has for some years been......
Associated Electrical Industries
It is apparent from Sir Felix Pole's review at the Asso- ciated Electrical Industries meeting that shareholders can look forward to steady, but almost certainly not to......
Finance And Investment
By CUSTOS EVEN better than expected must be the verdict on the nation's revenue figures up to March 31st. Actually the Exchequer has received L54 millions more than the......
Life Insurance In War
The war presented the life insurance companies with numerous problems. Probably the most acute was what attitude to adopt when the assured dies from war causes either as a......
The Puritans. By Perry Miller And Thomas H. Johnson. (allen
and Unwin. 16s.) THE plan of this book is excellent, given the purpose of bringing within a single volume, of 800 pages, a conspectus of New England Puritanism—its history and......
New Novels
Festival. By Hamilton Basso. (Jarrolds. 9s. 6d.) I HOPE it suggests no disparagement of Mr. Macdonell's previous work to say that the two most interesting features of his new......