A Spectator's Notebook
B RITISH diplomats from the Balkans are flocking home this week, and cynics, I suppose, would suggest that some of them might with advantage stay at home. I have no idea of......
The Nuremberg Rally Is Fixed For November As Usual, And
is to be called," A Victory Rally." Last year it was fixed for November as usual, and was to be called " A Pea,_. Rally." It was not held.......
I Don't Know Whether The B.b.c. Thought It Was Taking
a tisk in inviting Sir Joseph Addison to take the place of "Onlooker" last Friday. If so it was a risk that justified itself abundantly. Sir Joseph, who was Counsellor of......
Three Of The First Four Films Made At The Instigation
of the Ministry of Information—they were given a private showing on Tuesday, before M. Frossard and Sir John Reith —are exactly of the sort to be encouraged. (The exception is a......
I Had Known J. A. Hobson For, I Suppose, Thirty-odd
years. His death removes a figure which fits into no precise category. He was an economist of real distinction, but never recognised as orthodox by the orthodox ; his theory......
Two Conversations. At 2.3o One Day This Week Someone Stopped
me. " A man I know," he said, " has just been putting in for a commission in the Guards. The first ques- tion he was asked was ' Do you hunt? ' " At 3.3o someone quite......
We Are A Logical Race. " One Of My Constituents,"
an M.P. friend, a supporter of the Government, tells me, " said after Munich that he must vote against me in future because of the Government's disgraceful capitulation. Now he......
Parliament And The Government
T HE Parliament which reassembled last Tuesday is nearly five years old, and in normal circum- stances would be due for dissolution. But now it sees its life extended for an......
—news Chronicle Headline.
Perfectly right. Let America wrap herself in her owil virtue and constrict herself in her own corsets. JANus.......