American Troops In Europe
SIR,—The behaviour of American troops in Europe as described in an article in a recent issue of The Spectator will not come as a shock even to Americans. Life, the weekly......
Hunger In Germany
hope you will publish this appeal from a soldier in B.A.O.R. for an attitude of greater realism on the part of British public opinion and the British Government (who are at the......
Sta,—mrs. Margaret Keynes Is Tight That It Is Want Of
imagination which allows the people of Britain to acquiesce in the starvation rations now current in the British zone in Germany. If people would try living on less than half......
Sir,—in My Former Letter For " Prisoners Of War "
should be read " wood- cutters." A lapses calami ant mesnoriae for which I apologise.—Yours,......
Sir,—my Attention Has Been Drawn To An Article In Your
issue of the 15th March, on which I would ask your permission to comment. The Report of the Interdepartmental Committee on Dentistry, faced with a critical shortage of dentists......