Sharp Practice In Malaya "
SIR, —If, as your correspondent " Changi " implies, the creation of a Malayan Union were a punitive measure, I should not quarrel with the Government, provided it adduced cogent......
Country Life
THE news that Knutsford is to be converted into a model township will send most minds on a quick journey to Cranford and Mrs. Gaskell. Though I have been familiar with the......
In My Garden Some Excellent Vegetables, As Well As Apples,
are unworthily neglected. I am told that the Dutch brown bean was quite unknown in England till 1915, when some seed was sent to the great Mr. Wilkes from Holland, and he was so......
" Forests And Climate "
SIR,—I cannot agree with Mr. Ward's opinion that forests do not largely affect climate. If he had known the Riviera as long as I have he would see evidences that they do. During......
Parcels From America
SIR,—I must protest at having my name dragged into a correspondence in your paper covering parcels from America. Mr. Wedderburn in his letter in a recent issue makes the......
Bridget Rediviva A Budget Of Letters On That Precious Apple
" Scotch Bridget " compels a further reference. One correspondent reports that his father grew the variety 6o years ago in Lancashire, and that he had not heard of it again till......
Caretaker And Labour Governments
SIR,—In one of your issues last August you said that man for man the Caretaker Government was stronger than the new Labour Government. I should now like to inquire whether,......
A Criticism
Sik,—Whateven is your object in publishing a piece of writing in your issue for March 22nd entitled "Nature and Character," by W. J. Turner? It is certainly not poetry,......
" Values In Education "
SIR,—May I correct a statement made in this article in your last number? It was not the Bishop of Bradford who suggested a ten years' holiday for scientists, but the Bishop of......
Botanists As Poets Botanists Are Sometimes Very Bad...
lamentable verses written ad hoc for the else delightful Anne Pratt—but Lord de Tabley (who became a leading authority on the endless varieties or species of the blackberry)......