There Has Been A Great Deal Of Braying This Week
against the Aus- tralian Colony, by those who, from the Tines down to Comer; have not taken the pains to become acquainted with the plan on which it is to be founded. Next week......
Tiie Army.
WAR•OFFME. July 4.-10th Regt. of Light Drag,00ns— Lieut. R. Hume, from the 13th Light Dragoons to be Lieut. site I leneage, who exchanges. 13th Light Dragoons —Lieut. I). I......
Reciprocal Circulation Of French And English Newspapers.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Paris, It Judy 1834. Su it — It appears, after all, that we are to have no free circulation of English Newspapers ; and that the announced......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Ou the let inst., at Waldersluare Park, the Countess of GUILFORD, of a SOO. tin the hat inst., Lady SoFEIELD, of a son. On the 29th ult., at the Vicarage, Wilniington, the Lady......
Money Market.
Srucx EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. selves of the offered accommodation, and that a considerable portion of that sum scarcity of mousey, winch on Tuesday and Nl'olnesday was in......
East India Shipping.
Arrive—At Deal, June 5. Symmetry, Stevens, from Ceylon. At the Cape, April I7th, Noma, Baker; Olive Branch. Stirling; and Sesostris, Salt's; and 28th, Sophia, Thornhill, from......