Cruel Operation Of The Law Of Debtor And Creditor.
IT is feared that the Attorney-General's bill to abolish imprison- ment for debt is not destined to pass this session. Notwithstand- ing the unquestioned sincerity of its author......
Postage Of Newspapers In France And England.
A PARIS correspondent, whose letter we publish in another column, has drawn our attention to the Government mode of effecting the Duke of RICHMOND'S much-vaunted arrangement, by......
Topics Of The Day.
IRISII PROSPECTS. . Wriasr the Coercion Act was passed, in the last session, Ministers ld out the hope that it would only be a temporary measure. No such delusive expectation is......
State Of Parliamentary Business; The Showmen Of The Cabinet.
THE Earl of MALMESBURY complains that the Peers have had "nothing to do since the Easter recess, with the exception of the investigation of the Warwick Borough Bill ;" and he......