Voices Of Sacred Song For Quiet Hours, From One Hunared
Authors - , edited by W. F. Oilmen (London, J. Nisbet, 1864), is an elegant little volume, for which the best poems of religious authors and the most religious poems of authors......
The Judgment Of Conscience, And Other Sermons. By The Late
Arch- bishop Whately. (Longman and Co.)—This little volume contains such of Dr. Whately's unpublished discourses as had not been substan- tially given to the world in his......
The Religion Of The Universe. By Robert Fellowes, Ll.d....
edition. (Williams and Norgate.)—This edition of Dr. Fellowes's mildly deistical essay is fortified by a preface, in which the editor favours us with another short essay which......
Leaves From The Records Of St. Hubert's Club; Or,...
of Sporting Expeditions in Many Lands. By Captain Bulger, 10th Regiment. (London, L. Booth.)—Books of adventure are always accep- table to a large class of readers who are not......
The Warriors Of Our Wooden Walls And Their Victories. By
J. Brad- shawe Walker. (Aylott and Son.)—There have been several publications on this theme lately. Mr. Walker's volume is equal to the best of them. Tho narrative is spirited......
First He L P In Accidents. By Charles H. Schaible, M.d.,...
Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, &c.—That a Professor of the German. Language at Woolwich, an Examiner of German Literature in the University of London, should also be a clever......
Current Literature.
The Quarterly Review. October, 1864. (John 3lurray.)—Every one will turn with interest to the paper on John Gibson Lockhart, and most readers will lay it down with a slight......
The Convocation And The Crown In Council. By Henry Edward
Manning, D.D. (Longman and Co.)—Cardinal Wiseman is said to have expressed his readiness to return to the Church of England all the converts from her except one, and this one is......
The Chronicle Of The "conpleat Angler." By Thomas...
and Sotheran.)—This beautiful volume contains an account of all the various editions of Walton and Cotton's famous book. It appeals of course to book collectors, and mainly to......
A New System Of Musical Gymnastics. By Moses C. Tyler.
(W. Tweedie.)—Mr. Tyler is the Principal of the London School of Physical Education, and he contends that the object of gymnastics should be to develop not mere muscular......
The Present Number Are So Superior To Those In The
preceding ones that we cannot help thinking they are by a different hand,---although the same name appears in the title-page. The engraver has certainly been changed. The......