Academic Point
Sir: Discussing how politicians are resistant to change, Colin Welch says (Centrepiece, 29 October — `Myths and realities'): `Politicians assume with Hegel that what is is......
Whither Rome?
Sir: How sad and succinct is Brocard Sewell's description (book review, 22 October) of the present state of Roman Catholicism. It is, as he suggests, now more confused than......
A Critic's Job
Sir: I suppose one of my tender years should be content to be described as a man- darin by Colin Welch (Centrepiece, 29 Oc- tober). But somehow I cannot leave it at that. I feel......
Who loved Germany? Sir: In his review (29 October) of Nicholas Mosley's life of his father, A. N. Wilson remarks that 'any reasonably cultivated Victorian or Edwardian gentleman......
Masked Balls
As Mr Ingrams knows, I do not often find value in his TV columns. However, may I warmly support his comments on Aeschylus (15 October)? But there is a further point, not made by......
Sir: As A Viewer Who Watched With Great Interest What
Richard Ingrams described as `this ridiculous production' — the Oresteia of Aeschylus — I feel I must comment on his so-called criticism. If Mr Ingrams did not know that......