Mrs. Oliphant And Bishop Wilberforce. Lto The Editor Of "tin
SPECTATOR."] SIB,--S0 many people have been alarmed and dismayed by Mr. Wilberforce's indiscreet publication, that you will, perhaps, permit me to ask whether one should not......
The International Tribunals In Egypt. Lto The Editor Of The
" SPECIATOR.1 your note upon Egyptian affairs, in the last number of the Spectator, you allude to the difficulty, in regard to law re- form, caused by the existing......
Sir John Lubbock And The Finance Of 1881-2.
[To TEN EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] do not often see the Spectator when out of town, but the number for December 23rd I got because I wanted to read a friend's article on......
Harington Antiquities.
Me ma EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."' Sin,—As the antiquities of my family seem to possess a greater interest for your readers than I should have supposed would attach to co......
The Wit And Wisdom Of Lord Lytton.
LTO THE EDITOR OF TILE " SPECTATOR.1 Sla,—In your notice of "The Wit and Wisdom of Lord Lytton," you ask, with reference to myself, " Why did- he not remind its—though it be not......