Current Literature.
Corneille and Racine. By Henry M. Trollope. La Fontaine, and other French Fabulists. By the Rev. W. Lucas Collins, M.A. (Blackwood.)—In the first of these two volumes of......
The Fourth Book Of The Meditations Of Marcus Aurelius...
By Hastings Crossley, M.A., Professor of Greek in Queen's College, Belfast. (Macmillan.)—Seven years ago, Mr. Crossley tells us that he "conceived the idea of producing such an......
With The Publication Of Ferdinand's Adventure...
to welcome back Lord Brabonme to his old seat on the back of the nursery hobby-horse. He should never have left it for party politics, the Channel Tunnel, and a peerage that......
The Magazines.
MESSRS. BLACKWOOD are probably not delighted at the slur cast on them by the proposal to establish a new Conserva- tive magazine, and Blackwood for January contains quite a......