None But Very Vague Conclusions Can As Yet Be Formed
respect-. ing the complexion of the French National Assembly. On the whole, it appears that what is called the" Moderate" party are in the ascendant; the term, however, having......
The Movement For " Further Reform " Begins To Acquire
im- portance, from the concurrence of various parties ; though it has scarcely assumed its final shape. The leading agitators at Man- chester have organized an extensive......
News Of The Week.
THE House of Commons cannot be said to have met for no- thing, with the opening of the week, although it manifested a decided disinclination for protracted labours. Some......
Who Shall Ever Say That Tragi-comic Absurdity Has Reached...
climax in Ireland ? The ludicrous blends with the shocking in a manner so grotesque, that amusement is irresistible, even while one is humiliated at the feeling of levity which......