Society Of Painters In Water-colours.
TUE smallest and choicest of the annual collections. The veterans of the Society so strongly retain their old characteristics, that they have almost outlived any criticism on......
On the 12th March, at Bangalore, East Indies, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel Key, the Fifteenth Hussars, of a daughter. On the 26th April, at the Castle, Parsonstown, Ireland,......
East India Shipping.
Aatuvan-At Plymouth, 1st May, Southampton, Bowen, from Calcutta. In the Clyde, ditto, Youug England, Dove, from Manilla. At Bombay, previous to lit April, Sir Thomas Gresham,......
Zumiercial Gazette.
Tuesday, May 2. PARTNERSHIPs DISSoLvED. Heath junior and Co. Bridge House Place, Southwark, carriers ; • as far as regards J. Heath-Hopgood and - Searle, Rochester Road, Camden......
Military Gazette.
Wss-orrtcs, May 5.-lst Regt. of Life Guards-Comet and Sub.J.Jenk the.Han.D. C. F. De Boa to be Lieut. by purchase, vice G. H.R. C. Viscount Seaham, who retires; H. Lygon, Gent.......