Life In Canada
SIR,—I have read with interest Mr. Butler's account of his experiences selling clothing in a Canadian deparirnent store. The picture he presents of life in Toronto is not,......
Broadcasts To Poland
SIR,—In the Spectator of April 29th the question, " Is the Iron Curtain pierced by radio? " was considered only so far as the Soviet Union was 'concerned. But there are ten......
Charles The Martyr
Sig . .,—The Christian Church, which canonises St. Peter, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Augustine and, I believe, the penitent thief,, will never, it is to be hoped, accept De.......
The Perplexed Voter
Sia,—Referring to Mr. Kenneth R. Day's letter under the above heading, I would suggest that there is no need for any voter to be perplexed, as the issue at the General Election......
Makronesos Sir, —after Reading Mr. F. A. Voigt's Article...
the Spectator of April 22nd, I can only presume that his obvious affection for the Athens regime causes him to see its plague-sores as beauty-spots. Love is notoriously blind.......
The King's Evil
Sth,—Is there a possibility that scrofula was not the only disease originally embraced within the genpric term of "king's evil "? In the - Grande Chronique de France, 1505,......
Tax-payers From Eire
Sta,—In • view of the fact that legislation is being introduced to deal with the status of Eire citizens in Britain, may I draw attention to one point which has received very......
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