Jobs For Arts Graduates
Strt,—Mr. Winter is right about one thing ; a degree is not enough. So is Mr. Schabbet ; one must wait for the good jobs. But must one wait seven years plus? Messrs. Winter and......
Too Many Bees We All Desire That The Bees Shall
fertilise our fruit blossom, but an aesthetic gardener may suffer from an excess of bees. As soon as a blossom is fertilised it begins to break up. It is almost ludicrous, for......
Late Visitors At This Season, As Usual, Lists Appear In
several places of the arrival of our summer visitors, most of which have appeared pat to the average date, though some are rather late than early. In none of these.lists have I......
In The Garden Though Lincolnshire Has Proved As Congenial To
the tulip as Haarlem itself, we must grant that the Dutch have a supreme knowledge of the bulb; and since the bulb itself is what matters to them they are wont to destroy the......
He, She Or It
Sut,—In his wise essay on infant prodigies, Mr. Harold Nicolson writes: " The child must not be allowed-to imagine that it is in any way superior to its less gifted......
Cider And Apples Amateur Orchard-owners Have Often Been...
such an august, if sometimes ignorant, body as the Ministry of Agriculture—to make cider of their small apples: The advice is unwise because the cider apple and the ordinary......
Less Of It Sir, —on Friday, April 29th, A London Daily
paper had the following heading: " Hospital Axe Means Less Beds." Does that mean smaller beds? Did the axe chop off the ends of the beds? It is a gloomy prospect. In the Press......
Troublesome Chaffinches Sta,—i Can Add Another Example To...
the " sleep-breaking chaffinch " quoted by Sir William Beach Thomas in the Spectator of April 22nd. We have been troubled by a pugnacious chaffinch over a period of nearly four......
Country Life
IT is a seasonable pleasure to visit a part of the country where orchards prevail: We are frequently advised to visit Holland—or south Lincoln- shire—in tulip time, and very......
The King's Evil
Sth,—Is there a possibility that scrofula was not the only disease originally embraced within the genpric term of "king's evil "? In the - Grande Chronique de France, 1505,......
The Dome Of The Rock Sta,—surely My Good Friend Owen
Tweedy is very wrong when he says, in his article 7erusalem's Fate, that " it was on the platform itself that Mohammed alighted from his mythical winged horse Burak after his......