Crooked Hedges.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Silt. - 4 believe both of your correspondents are right as to two causes of the irregularity of hedges ; but I think there is also a third......
THE HAWARDEN HORACE. AD CIOERONEM NOSTRUM. MASESTIO Armitetead, colossal crony, Ever at shortest notice all ago To start g for Brighton as my cicerone, For Gothenburg, Khartoum,......
Chinese Delicacies.
[TO rue EDITOM OP THE "SPECTATOR.. "] Sin,—Reading in the Spectator that dog's-flesh is considered a delicacy in China, recalled to my recollection a tale told me many years ago......
"humour In Children."
[To TRH EDITOR OP THE SPEOTATOH."] SIR,—Will you permit me to make a remark or so on your sympathetic article on " Struwwelpeter," in the Spectator of September 29th ? In the......
A Correction.
[To Tux EDITOR OF TRH " SPECTATOR:1 SIR, —Will you allow me to state, through the medium of your columns, that I am not the writer of a letter signed " W. D.," which appeared in......
An Appeal.
[To THE EDITOR o THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—A few years ago, by inserting an appeal in the Spectator, you kindly helped me to keep open evening classes for the use of the poorest......