Notice To Advertisers.
With the "SPECTATOR " of Saturday, October 13th, will be issued, -gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......
There Is No Doubt That Great Alarm Exists Among The
Europeans in China. The Chinese, unable to conceive that they have been beaten by Japanese courage and skill in organising, are inclined to think that the presence of foreign......
No Indisputable News As To The War Has Arrived From
the Far East. The idea that the Japanese will strain every effort to seize Pekin this year, spreads fast in Shanghai, and there is evidently a desperate struggle for power going......
News Of The Week.
A N unexpected incident has marked the week. Moved by some impulse still unexplained, Lord Rosebery called a Cabinet Council for Thursday, and the public, aware of the bitter......
It Was At First Imagined That The Cabinet Council Had
been called in consequence of French action in Madagascar. There is no doubt that the French intend to blockade the island, to increase their direct possessions round Diego......
If This Demi-official Account Of The Incident Is True, Lord
Rosebery is a very weak Premier. Any one of his predecessors would have consulted the naval and military departments, and have sanctioned the necessary orders without creating a......