Kottabos : A College Miscellany. (dublin: W. Mcghee;...
Bell and Daldy.)—Kottabos comes from Trinity College, Dublin, and is, we suppose, the first number of a periodical intended to give to the world without some enjoyment of the......
The Blameless Prince, And Other Poems. By Edmund Clarence...
(Boston, Fields and Co.; London, Trahner.)—There is so much power in this volume as to make us feel no inconsiderable regret in passing on it the severe censure which it seems......
Current Literature.
The Annab of our Time. By Joseph Irving. (Macmillan.)—We cannot do better, by way of giving an account of this volume, than quote the descriptive title. It is "a diurnal of......
Under Lock And Key. By T. W. Speight. 3 Vols.
(Tinsley.)—Those readers who admire Mr. Wilkie Coffins' Moonstone may here read another story about the adventures of a great diamond. This jewel, during the very short period......
The Magazines.
PROFESSOR SEELEY continues his essay on "Roman Imperialism" in Macmillan. The second chapter is as full of thought as the first, but from the natUre of his subject, the fall of......