Kottabos : A College Miscellany. (dublin: W. Mcghee;...
Bell and Daldy.)—Kottabos comes from Trinity College, Dublin, and is, we suppose, the first number of a periodical intended to give to the world without some enjoyment of the......
Pare Wine, And Row To Know It. By J. L.
Denman. The chapters. on the processes of wine- king, on what ought and what ought not to- take place in them, are woTth reading. The perfect fermentation of wine. means that......
My Insect Queen. By The Author Of "margaret's Engagement." 3
vols. (Bentley.)—The autobiographical form is, on the whole, not an eligible one for a novel ; at all events, it requires to be managed with much skill. One essential is that......
The House Of Austria During The Thirty Years' War. Two
Lectures by Adolphus W. Ward, M.A. (Macmillan.)—The lectures, crowded as they are with the results of wide research and bold original thought, could hardly, we should say, have......
The Phenomena And Laws Of Heat. By Achille Cazin. Translated
by Elilhu Rich. (Sampson Low.)—When everything, it may be said, is reduced to some phenomenon of heat, or heat enters into every kind of action, an exhauitive book on this......
The Rights And Liberties Of The Church. By The Rev.
S. Kettlewell. (Skeffington.)—It may easily be understood from the title of this book that the writer's notions of "the Church" differ tote coslo from our own. He looks upon it......