6 AUGUST 1942, page 13

Passing Through Spain

Sm,-I have no right to question the authenticity of Mr. Lodwick's article on Spain, as far as it goes, which appears in your issue of July loth, but there are one or two points......

The Forgotten Parent

SIR, -It is not difficult to agree with Mr. Clarke's able statement of the mutual distrust between parent and teacher. Nor will one find serious fault with the reasons that he......

Mr. Norman Douglas's Caveat

Sta,—In your issue of May 29th, 1942, there is a letter from Mr. Norman Douglas complaining of an article by me in the Queen (April 22nd). I know nothing of this article, which......

Spanish Refugees In France

Sm,—Reports have for some time been circulating that Laval is trying to arrange with the Nazis to deliver loo,000 Spanish Republican refugees living in France to work in......

Children's Reading

Sitt,—I was amused at the comments of your correspondent, Mr. Quentin Edwards, on the subject of my father's works. Far the edification of Mr. Edwards I would point out that,......

Percentage Of Churchgoers

SIR,—How kind of " Soldier " to make use of the Church for his baptism, marriage and funeral! No doubt, too, he confers an incalculable benefit on the Church by deigning to......

Sir,—there Is A Deal Of Sense In Roger Clarke's Plea,

"Don't Forget the Parent." It may be too late to do anything about it now, but it has always seemed a pity not to give the wage-earner better wages, so that he could, like the......