Passing Through Spain
Sm,-I have no right to question the authenticity of Mr. Lodwick's article on Spain, as far as it goes, which appears in your issue of July loth, but there are one or two points......
Telling The People
Sm,—We believe in democracy; we claim to be a democracy; we declare that we are fighting for democracy. At the same time we are continually belying our professions. In war time,......
Country Life
THE fact that some German prisoners clamour for black bread, as we call it, may give a hint to our agricultural and social reformers. Rye is an admirable cereal crop. It will......
Head Of The Civil Service
Stn,—I have read with interest the letters appearing in your columns on the subject of the " Head of the Civil Service." Surely the facts are as suggested by Sir Walford Selby......