7 DECEMBER 1872, page 1

It Was Believed During The Early Part Of The Week

that M. Thiers would, under all these provocations, have struck some kind of coup d'état,—that is, would have issued a decree dissolving the Assembly and summoning a new one,......

London Has Been Worried All The Week By A Strike

of the Stokers in mauy of the gas works. The matter has not been investi- gated in Court, and the accounts are to the last degree contradictory, but the following would appear......

Sir Thomas Acland Has Made A Very Important Speech At

Dunster. Sir Thomas generally knows which way things are going, and in this instance, though "he knew no secrets," he had "talked matters over with men in high position," and......

News Of The Week.

T HE " crisis" is not yet over in France, or likely to be over. On Friday last M. Thiers made a great speech in defence .of his policy, the key-notes of which were that he was......

It Was Reported At Once That M. Thiers Was Dissatisfied

with his tnajority, and events soon showed that he was right. On the very next day, M. Raoul Duval proposed an order of the day affirming that the municipal addresses in support......

We Have Given Elsewhere Reasons For Thinking The Men In

the wrong which we expect even the men to endorse, but the out- break of feeling against them has been of the most cruel and selfish character. We speak the literal truth when......

,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any
