Letters To The Editor.
THE NEW UNIVERSITY REFORMERS. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTITOR.1 SIR,—In your article on "The New University Reformers," you infer from the speech of the Rector of Lincoln that......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator:]
SIR, —I must trouble you with a few more words, as you have mis- apprehended the meaning of my last letter in a fundamental point. In urging that the chief part of the college......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator.')
SIR,—Without entirely concurring in the unqualified commenda- tion which your correspondent Mr. Roscoe bestows on the speech of Sir B. Brodie, and without admitting that the......
The Deluge Tablet.
T HE event, not to say the sensation of the week, has un- doubtedly been Mr. Smith's decypherment of certain Cunei- form fragments. In presenting our readers with a resume", as......