7 FEBRUARY 1880, page 23

The Countries Of The World. By Robert Brown, M.a. (cassell,

Fetter, and Galpin.)—Mr. Brown continues in another volume, quite worthy of its predecessors, this excellent work. He first describes, under the title of "Oceania," the various......

Rough. Ways Made Smooth. By Richard A. Proctor. (chatto And

Windus.)—We can congratulate Mr. Proctor on his now volume in every respect except the choice of a -title, that which he has taken certainly not leading the reader to expect a......

Current Literature.

The Imitation of Christ. Fac-simile edition. (Elliot Stock.)— In the notice of this very curious and valuable fee-simile last week, we made a mistake as to the modus operandi.......

Some Of The Magazines.

CETEWAY0 is not a contributor one expects in an English magazine, but he has virtually contributed an article to Mac- millan for February. Captain J. R. Poole escorted the Zulu......