The Countries Of The World. By Robert Brown, M.a. (cassell,
Fetter, and Galpin.)—Mr. Brown continues in another volume, quite worthy of its predecessors, this excellent work. He first describes, under the title of "Oceania," the various......
The Reader's Handbook. By The Rev. E. Cobham Brewer, Ll.d.
(Chatto and Windus.)—This is a welcome addition to the list of what may be termed the really handy reference-books, combining as it does a dictionary of literature with a......
Burke's Peerage, Baronetage, And Knightage For 1880....
(Harrison.)—From Sir Bernard Burke's preface to this useful annual, we learn that there ate among the aristocracy 577 peers and 865 bayonets. Of every one of the 1,442 persons......
A Year's Cookery. By Phillis Browne. (cassell And...
whose felicitous name suggests the "savoury messes" which her " neat-handed" prototype in Milton was wont to dress, has given us a very useful book. It contains a complete menu......
Clergy Directory For 1880. Tenth Annual Volume....
may be said to be corrected up to the 31st of December, as an appendix contains the Advent ordinations and the obituary announcements up to that date.......
A Physician, Who Had Already Attained Some Distinction,...
might, if long life had been granted to him, have risen to eminence. But his range of culture reached fur beyond the literature of his pro- fession. A paraphrase of the first......
Year-book Of Facts In Science And The Useful Arts. By
James Mason. (Ward, Lock, and Co.)—This is, as its title implies, a con- densed record and résumé of all the principal events that occurred and the discoveries that took place......