A Fickle Flock
Sir: I fear that Auberon Waugh's gently argued case in favour of the continued use of the new 'wonder' drug Tagamet, despite the slight potential cancer risk (17 January), will......
Small Is Effective
Sir: Mr Grimond finds it extraordinary that we should get giants (of our own money?) from the EEC whilst the squalor of southern Italy persists (24 January). I wonder why? It is......
Spanish Ideas
Sir: Your reviewer of Sir Steven Runciman's The First Crusade (10 January) provokes a response to his final line. We do mind 'what the Spaniards have'. In history and......
When The Bell Tolled
Sir: The 3 January issue has just reached these shores, and 'Unforgiving' is what all readers should be towards Taki and the Spectator for failing to employ researchers. Ernest......
Hold The Front Page?
Sir: Readers who buy the Spectator to cherish the cover are the sort of people who fry egg shells for breakfast. David Blow 2 St Andrews Mansions, Dorset Street, London W1......
Sir: Mr Patrick Marnham (Postscript', 24 January) attacks the Israeli religious establishment for doing things 'deeply offensive to Israeli Jews as well as to the world's......
I'm sorry if Quintin Riley was not a polar bore as I suggested in my letter of 17 January. But! have listened to the ugly bark of the BBC World Service myself. The dominant......