7 JULY 1877, page 1

The Great Debate On The County Franchise, Raised By Mr.

Tre- velyan, came off on Friday week, and presented many points of interest. In the first place, the Liberals have accepted the redistribu- tion which mutt follow household......

A Correspondent Of The Times, Writing From Bucharest On June

24, makes a remarkable statement. He says the smaller plateaus of the Balkan range are inhabited by Bulgarian refugees, who, from age to age, have fled from the tyranny of the......

The News From Asia, Though On Points Exaggerated, Tends All

in one direction. The Russians have been obliged, after repeated assaults and heavy losses, differently represented in every account, to abandon their attack on the heights......

The Russian Generals In Europe Conceal Their Movements...

success that it is difficult to understand that they are moving at all. According to the Times' correspondent, who writes from Bucharest, they have crossed over 120,000 men of......

Half-a-dozen Irish Members, Assisted By Mr. Whalley, Are...

best to make legislation impossible. They resist every vote taken after 12.30, and move incessant adjournments, necessitating a division on each. Seventeen divisions were ac-......

Two Accounts Are Current Of What Has Occurred In Montenegro.

According to the more probable one, Suleiman Pasha, with forty battalions, had fought his way to such a position that he could occupy Cettinge after the next engagement. He had,......

News Of The Week.

T HE British Fleet has again been sent to Besika Bay. Ac- cording to accounts which are credited on the Continent, but remain without confirmation at home, the Premier proposed......

V The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any
