Letters To The Editor.
THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN VICTORIA. [TO VIE EDITOB Or THE " SPEOTATOR.1 think a short account of the political situation in Victoria, written from the Liberal point of view,......
University Reform.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPROTATOR."} have some reluctance in appearing to controvert any part of Lord Colchester's able letter to you on the question of University reform. FeW......
Mr. Maurice And Ritualism.
en THE EDITOR OF THE SPEOTATOR.1 Slit,—Mr. Symes writes that " Mr. Davies will scarcely deny that the Ritualistic movement has done much to deepen the feel- ing of worship—a......
Church Policy.
[TO TRH EDITOR 01? TIIR "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Though you have brought the correspondence on the Ridsdale Judgment itself to a close, you may not be unwilling that I should offer a......