Sir: I Agree With Mr Christopher Sykes That If There
were a Descartes SocietY like The Francis Bacon Society then Dr Rowse might well call their' " crackpots" if they ascribed the works to his contemporary Corneille . No......
Icon—to Go Or Not To Go
11-: President Nixon's "desperate linging to an office which daily he eakens " is, as you pointed out in st week's editorial, one of the sadest and most shameful aspects of the......
Homeless Conservatives
Sir: May an until recently homeless liberal attempt to encourage Mr An.thony Lejeune (" We homeless conservatives" (Jiine 23) to follow Mr Enoch rowell's advice re the next......
Husbands Of Christ
Sir: When Canon Hugh Montefiore's suggestion about the possible homosexuality of Christ (referred to in ' Husbands of Christ,' May 5) was reported in the press, a statement from......
Of All, By All, For All'
Sir: Much muttering in Labour Party circles, and counter-mutters in the same circles, on 'nationalisation.' Ah, the efforts to find out remedies for national sicknesses — and......
John Peyton
Sir: Show a photograph of John Peyton to a hundred people in the street and I would guess that ninety-five of them would say: "Who is that? " Twenty-five people are killed on......
Double Standard?
Sir: May I, through your columns, put , to Mr Enoch Powell and his adherents over the Common Market a point that I do not remember seeing canvassed anywhere? If Mr Powell's......
From Mrs June Blanc Sir; I Too Was Saddened To
see the Spectator join the ranks of hypocritical double-standard supporters on the question of immigration. . As Mr Bond says, (June 30) "is not Immigration a 'matter for......