The French Bomb
Sir: 1 recently read an article in the Pacific Islands Monthly for June 1973. It was entitled ' Even a Nuclear Cloud can have a Gold Lining.' It was from a special......
A Word To The Judge
Sir: I have read Dorothy Becker's outburst in reply to my letter of June 16. Her first remark had to do with my address. I am indeed not a barrister of the Middle Temple —......
Sir: I have been called many things in my time (there was a Maoist pamphlet only the other day, for instance, which accused me of being not only the dregs of humanity, but even......
Rowse, Shakespeare
Sir: If the Pope holds himself LO be infallible, when speaking ex cathedra. then he should be very careful of what he says. The same applies to Dr Rowse when he lays down the......
...and Bacon
Sir: I am very sorry that Christopher Sykes should have followed Dr Rowse in descending to personal abuse in an attempt to discredit Baconians. It is 99 per cent certain that Mr......
Sir: I Agree With Mr Christopher Sykes That If There
were a Descartes SocietY like The Francis Bacon Society then Dr Rowse might well call their' " crackpots" if they ascribed the works to his contemporary Corneille . No......