7 JULY 1979, page 16

Dubious Dealing

Sir: If Ferdinand Mount hopes to make a worthwhile comment on the activities of newspapers before and during the Thorpe case, he should attempt to be a bit more reliable than......

Anthony Chenevix-trench

Sir: Two weeks ago a great headmaster died. The one national daily that now writes about these events covered his life's work in about 50 lines; it was an inadequate record of......

Doubts About Darwin

Sir: The letter from Mr Bethel] (23 June) on Darwinism was a typical piece of linguistic logic-chopping, written for the purpose of dumbfounding the tyros. Mr Bethel] labours......

Booker Fan Club

Sir: Spectator readers will, of course, sorely miss Auberon Waugh's page during the next three months, but I hope that if any similar request for extended leave is submitted by......

Michael Gillard

Sir: We, the undersigned, who have worked with Michael Gillard or know his work, are astonished at the verdict in the recent highly publicised libel action, We have always found......


Sir: The sensitive reaction of your Mr Chancellor to the jocular remark from Sir James Goldsmith is yet another example of the known fact that journalists are good at handing it......

Not Only England

Sir: Your otherwise excellent publication has been marred in the last two issues by your insistence on using 'England' when of course you should be talking about 'Great......

Witty Taki

Sir: The Mr Sharpies who wrote in to complain about Taki seems ignorant of the role of satire in a magazine like the Spectator. My dictionary defines it as: 1. a literary work......