Black Shorts Brigade
Sir: P. G. Wodehouse would not have contemplated going to tea with Hitler in 1939 (Competition, 30 June). According to Frances Donaldson's official biography he wrote, in 1939,......
Soggy J U-j U
Sir: What joy it gave this retired naval figure of modest rank to see dear Colonel Blimp on the cover of your 16 June issue. If, as Mr Urban maintains CA farewell to arms'),......
. . . You Know Where
Sir: Would you please inform Mr Anthony Howard and Mr Geoffrey Wheatcroft (Diary, 30 June) that Mr Schweppes still supplies refills to his soda siphons, though the price has now......
Big Mac
Sir: In his very interesting account of life under Quebec language laws (30 June), Murray Sayle states that 'McDonald's are getting away with their sign because it's a proper......
Appalling Drivel
Sir: Drivelling opinions are one thing; they can be argued. Drivelling about fact is quite another. Mr Auberon Waugh (Another voice, 16 June) writes quite unequivocally that......
Slight Mistake
Sir: I was outraged by the cheap vulgarity of Auberon Waugh's description of me as 'a militant Australian homosexual' (Another voice, 30 June). I know he is the Benny Hill of......
Buckets Of Whitewash
Sir: Mr Ormond's reply (Letters, 30 June) to Gavin Stamp's justly severe criticism (Restoration farce', 9 June) of the Queen's House restoration is no more than a whitewash of......