Ruskin As An Artist.
[To THE E.DITOR OF TDB " SHILOTATOR. S1R,—ln the Spectator of April 23rd, I ventured to question the appropriateness of calling Mr. W. M. Hunt a " Vermont• Ruskin." I added,......
The Prospects Of Farm Labourers.
[To TEE EDITOR OF THE 6PEOTATOECI S1R,—In your interesting article on " The Reduction of the Rural Population," there is a statement to which you will, I am sure, allow me to......
Letters To The Editor.
ELEMENTARY TEACHERS AS INSPECTORS. (To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin, — iLrill you kindly allow me space to reply to the letter of " H. II," in your last week's......
[To TES EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR;') SII1,7-It is always with a certain surprise that I perceive the tacit assumption of so many of our opponents,—that all humane persons are......