The Dinner Of The Royal Academy, Held This Day Week,
was a. sufficiently brilliant oue, Sir Frederick Leighton, as usual, showing a singular tact and judgment in his choice of speakers, and the skill with which he drew them out.......
Sir Stafford Northcote Made A Speech At Ketteriug On Wed-
nesday, the leading characteristic of which was decided. pugnacity in a party sense. It was the speech of a man, who wished to be thought a fighting general, and not a Fabian,......
Two Very Singular And, We Suspect, True Stories Have Been
published about the inquiry into the death of Sultan Abdul Aziz, now going on in Constantinople. One is that an order was extracted from Sultan. Murad, which will, of course,......
A Story Has Been Circulated Accusing The Home Secretary Of
betraying Austrian Socialists residing in England to their own; Government, who have arrested persons in Vienna on English information, Sir William Harcourt was questioned......
Alexander Iii. Has Not Yet Resolved To Issue The Decree,
signed by his predecessor, calling a Consultative Parliament. He has, however, agreed to a reform which may prove important,—the consolidation of the Ministry into a Cabinet,......
The News From The Transvaal Is Not Pleasant. The Cor-
respondents, no doubt, are greatly affected by the opinion of English speculators, who are savage at seeing their expected profits disappear, but there is some truth behind......
The Best Speech Made On The Irish Land Bill Since
its introduction by Mr. Gladstone was Mr. Shaw-Lefevre's, on Monday night. Ho replied to a fairly average speech by Mr. W. H. Smith,—the First Lord of the Admiralty under the......
On Thursday The Chief Speakers Were Mr. O'connor Power,....
Edmund Fitzmaurice, and Lord John Manners, of whom the two last did not add very much to the intellectual strength of the debate. Lord Edmund Fitzmaurice, indeed, made a speech......