In The Garden A Number Of Gardeners, It Is To
be hoped, are preserving their own seed, especially of such plants as beans. It may often happen that there is an excess of big, coarse pods more than enough to supply......
Books Of The Day
The Intellectuals of Boston New England : Indian Summer 1865-1915 By Van Wyck Brooks. (Dent. 18s. A CENTURY ago Boston and its neighbouring town and villages were full of......
A Welcome Gift Some Few Years Ago A Reach Of
land bordering the one unspoilt approach to Stratford-on-Avon was sold to a group of land • speculators, and a scene perhaps more eloquent of Shakespeare than any other bit of......
Birds And Noise There Is Some Evidence That The Noises
of war have driven some of the birds from the coast to inland places. Oyster- catchers, for example, have been seen and, alas! shot among the pheasants along the valley of the......
Country Life
November Lists It is an amiable habit with some country people to make a list of flowers in blossom on November ist as a sort of coronal for the English climate. Such lists in......